by cmed34 | Jul 8, 2020 | Non classé
As every year, C.MED is present at the Autumn Boat Show in Cap d’Agde. Our stand under the big tent is a place to meet and get free advice.For those who have spotted a boat, we propose a quick visit of the vessel in order to give a first opinion on the general...
by cmed34 | Jul 8, 2020 | Non classé
FINALLY A FORM OF REGULATION FOR THE PROFESSION OF MARINE SURVEYOR Under the impetus of the Federation of Nautical Industries, insurers and the profession, an official certification is being set up with a real control of knowledge and continuous training. Of course...
by cmed34 | Jul 8, 2020 | Non classé
We are preparing a new videoconferencing module on this particularly … delicate subject.
by cmed34 | Jul 8, 2020 | Non classé
Before the start of the 2009 season the professionals are meeting to reflect on how to improve thequality of service. In this context, CMED led a conference on the application of European Standards, legal guarantees and the quality of service.and the duty of...
by cmed34 | Jul 8, 2020 | Non classé
Within the framework of their general assembly, the members of the UNION DES PORTS DE PACA (in fact all theMarina managers in the region wanted an update on the (broad) subject of black water. We gave a presentation both on the legislation in force and on the...